Tuesday, April 7, 2009

almost there

So as I near the departure date I have been trying to get everything lined up I now have my solar panels so that I might have electricity to continue this blog while in Ghana, I have a mosquito net and plan on using it. I am going to do a test pack and see if everything will fit so that I can meet the size and weight limits. All in all I feel pretty prepared even though there is still much to do. I am awaiting further instructions as to what to do during the staging process. I should get that info soon so that I can make my travel arrangements. I am just so excited I can't believe that this is really happening, I mean I have had dreams before and they have come true but this just seems surreal that I am about to live out of my realm and into a different culture. Anyway just thought I would put some thoughts up here because well that is what a blog is for right.