Monday, November 30, 2009


You know it is funny to celebrate a holiday that is unique only to the US in another country. I remember the first time this happened to me was while I was in London such that right after Halloween the Christmas decorations started coming out. Makes you think about people who think that right after Thanksgiving is to soon for Christmas stuff, but the point I was getting at is that I remember asking myself what about Thanksgiving. Of course I realized that the holiday is an American creation and so that only we would celebrate it just as other countries celebrate their own Independence. But Thanksgiving here in Ghana at the US ambassadors house was great just like I had never left the states eating a turkey leg and pecan pie(no whip cream)mashed potatoes, and stuffing. The weird thing is that while yes all these things made me miss home and feel nostalgic I also realized what things I am giving up for these two years. This did not depress me but rather remind me of what I came here to do and that is the important thing because the world goes on life goes on and I know when I get back Thanksgiving will be there for me. So the real funny thing is that later that night I go and play trivia and drink a margarita as if it was cinco de mayo so really no matter the holiday what truly matters is the people you are with and despite not being with family I was surrounded by friends and really who could ask for a better Thanksgiving than that? So I hope that everyone had a great turkey day I know that the one turkey who got Obama's pardon did.


  1. I'm glad you had a good time Austin, and it was great talking to you last Thursday! We of course missed having you with us and Sean Kyle misses you too. He had a fun time beating on a spiderman pinata full of candy. I couldn't help thinking about the excess of toys, candy, and food we had for one child when there are so many in need. Keep up the good work in Ghana! I'm so proud of you!
