Sunday, July 19, 2009


So much to my surprise we were all bused down to see Obama as he left Ghana. I am glad to have had the opportunity to have two United States Presidents speak before me. The first George W. Bush when I graduated from Furman and now Barak Obama while I am serving in Ghana. John Atta Mills spoke first and then Obama followed acknowledging Peace Corps three times the first time we made so much noise that he had to pause for us and apparently I was on TV so I have heard. I did not get close enough to shake his hand but I was pretty close only five people from the front. I just love the fact that I had this fortune and shall remember it for the rest of my life. It was also a great way to mark the halfway of training giving a nice break from classes. The ride was long but well worth it I got some good pictures and meet some of my neighboring volunteers that I will have at site. I only can assure myself that this event marks the first of many great things that will happen during the next two years. I hope that some of you watched on c-span and said hey there is Austin. Until the next time Peace Love and all of that Good Stuff


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