Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Almost there

So I feel like it has been a while since my last update and a lot of stuff has happened. Well first of all I am fine, safe and healthy. So I just back from site visit where I was able to see my site and visit with my community. My site is nice it is a compound that I share with a pastor and his family. There is still some painting and other things that need to be finished but it is a nice pace to call home for the next two years. The pastor is nice he was really glad to meet me and wants me to come to church with him which is good. My community is very warming and glad to have me their. I am excited about the projects that I will be able to do with them and working with the school to possibly teach some social studies. So training is coming to a close and this week I will take my test proving that I had learned something during these three months. Then next week I will swear in and become a real peace corps volunteer. I can't wait it is so exciting to finally get working instead of just talking about doing stuff. I got some newspaper articles from home about Sanford wow how crazy is that I mean it sucks to him but I am sure you all know the details so no need to talk about that. I wish all well and just know that I am making a difference in Ghana in more ways than one by constantly talking to Ghanaians about America and helping them to understand that the US is not what Hollywood makes it out to be now only if all Americans could understand this fact. So I hope that all is well and everybody has a job. I will try to get more pictures up but sometimes it just doesn't work so well but I should be able to get them up soon.

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