Friday, April 1, 2011

April showers

So it seems i am not doing so well this year at keeping this blog up to date sorryo I will try harder to find the time and internet to make it happen. Well so lets see things are going well I am racing against the rain to put a roof on the storage building for my project but I know it will get done. As far a me I am healthy as a whistle whatever that really means and fit as can be given that I have no gym to go and work out in. Life is good as always and I continuously get to meet new and interesting people everyday. I hope that all is well back home and just remember that no matter what life could be alot worse so keep your chin up and enjoy the days to the most knowing that life has lots to offer if you are willing to accept.

Peace, Love, and all the good stuff

Austin McCain

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for calling today for Easter. It's always good to hear your voice. Hope to finish Sean's house soon so we can start doing things around here. Talk to you soon.
