Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Mission

As I get ready to leave in June I can't help but to think about my mission in Ghana. By this I don't just mean the duties for Peace Corps but my personal mission why I am even doing this seemingly crazy thing to some and noble to others. It is not that I am not thinking about my eventual duties rather I am thinking excessively about these things and forgetting my mission and why I have chosen to go down the unbeaten path. Truthfully I have been searching for sometime about what to do with my life. By this I don't mean long term but in the here and now. This type of thought will drive you crazy unless you can surrender to a higher power for guidance. Now I am sure that some would say that I just took the initiative and applied and it all worked out but from my perspective it is different I prayed for answers and the response I got was do something that can make a difference. This is easier said than done however. I mean it is not an easy task to just put aside my whole life and everyone I know to go halfway around the world and plant trees. I know life won't stop while I am gone and I don't expect it to rather I want it to continue as if I were still part of it influencing peoples lives the way I try and do presently. I look past all of this and toward the greater good that will be accomplished through my works not only allowing for a greater understanding of our culture abroad but to bring back an understanding of the culture in Ghana. I think this is one of the most important things i can do because we need a greater understanding of cultures in the U.S. if we ever want to overcome the prevailing notion that nothing else matters to us but us. Well I have rambled on for long enough I hope some of this makes any sense.


  1. Austin, It all makes perfect sense. I am so proud of you for doing this!

  2. Take care, good luck - I'm sure you will touch lots of people in great ways. They will be lucky to have known you.
