Monday, June 22, 2009


So I am now in my home stay and learning my language I am learning Dagaare it is spoken in the upper west which is where I am going. My family is very nice they hosted a volunteer last year who is in the same region so that is nice. It is hard to learn one language while everyone here is trying speak to me in twi. I just have to tell them that I am learning dagaare and they are fine with me speaking English. Today I started picking up trash in up area of town and before I knew it all the children had filled my bag so we filled more and more until I couldn't hold any more. Then showed them the place to put the trash so I don't know if this will catch on but it is worth a try. I am fine eating well I don't know how I am supposed to loose weight when I am being fed so much food. I hope all is well back home and everyone is fine.


  1. Yes please take as many photos as possible. I'm glad you were able to update the blog. Grandpa is getting his new teeth today. Take care. We love you!

  2. Aunt Becca, Becca, and Aunt Florence are all glad to hear your doing good. That's really cool that the kids were helping you with the trash, keep it up! Aunt Florence, of course, is glad to hear your eating well...don't forget your fiber, jk! We are all in California at Becca's for a few days enjoying the beautiful weather here. Let us know how learning the language is going soon, take care! - Mollie

  3. Glad things are going well! Thats my son! Teach the children well. Love you. Mom
