Monday, June 22, 2009


  1. So I made it through pre-registration in Philly and now am riding on a bus to JFK to depart for Ghana on an 11 hour flight. All 66 other volunteers are really nice I think we will all get along I already know that I will make lasting relationships. I got my yellow fever shot and my first malaria pill so i am looking forward to those vivid dreams.

So I made it to Ghana today and at 7:30 it was 80 degrees and very humid. Everyone made it through customs unscathed and we drove to Peace Corps headquarters in Accra. We had all of our introductions with the staff and meet more people that I have to remember there names. We checked into our rooms while we stay in Accra which are pleasant and better then we will get during service apparently. Not much else to say right now just a little tired from the flight so I a going to try and nap.


So it is Friday and I got some more shots which was nice. Thus far everyone is really excited and glad to be here we walked around Accra a little but really just enough to know how to get back to Peace Corps headquarters. Don't really have much to say besides that I am loving it here people are nice and we are being fed well. I will see how long this daily writing will last, but I suspect that I will be switching to a weekly update.


So today we split up into groups of five and set out to Accra having to travel on our own. We rode on trotro's which are basically vans that pick people up and drop off others continuously. This was a fun experience because we where able to build our confidence and figure out how to move around the city. We walked around the market and you can really buy anything that you would ever need if you had too, this is reassuring because I will need to buy things at some point. The market was like others that I have been in such that being white means you have money but once we explained that we were Peace Corps no one really bothered us. All in all the day was fun and everybody had great stories to tell. Well this is probably going to be the last time I continue the day by day report. I just want everyone to know that I am eating well and being taken care of with the utmost care.

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