Friday, October 2, 2009

just letting you know

So things are well sorry I haven't post anything in a while. People have been asking what I might like to be sent and really anything you want whether it is a hardshell candy or some game found at the dollar store all gifts are welcome. Also I have been asked about the climate and wildlife well there are only two seasons the rainy and dry right now it is in the end of the rainy and coming to the dry so it will be getting hotter so any little fanspraybottle type things would be nice. As far as the wildlife most of the animals that you might think about like monkeys hippos loins elephants and so on are in wildlife reserves. I will take pictures as I experience this things. So I am doing ok and it is always nice to hear from all of you by any means. Well sorry no pics this time I am trying to get some good ones but I have mainly just been in the village and nothing has stuck out as pic worthy. Well later hope all is well back home.



  1. Tom was wondering where in Ghana you are. A woman she works with at the hostipal daughter just got back from there after two years. Tom told here she would let her know where you are.

    It has finally got cool here and rainy. Last week we got around three inches. Rain is scheduled for four days next week.

    We went and saw mother yesterday. She is going good. She turned 91 last month and now is shooting for 100.

    We enjoy reading your messages and seeing the pictures. Keep them coming. It sounds like you may be a little board with not a whole lot to do.

    Take care.

  2. Austin,

    Is there anything in particular that you miss from home that I can send? I have been trying to get together can care pack to send. Any ideas just let me know. I know it does take several weeks to reach you so keep that in mind.
    Not much going on here just working and doing the same old thing, I did get another giant tattoo on my shoulder/back. I haven't sent pictures out for people to see yet. So im sure it will be a shocker.
    Peyton says hello and Baxter the rescued kitten.
    Let me know of anything you can think of that you might want.
    I think of you everyday, Love you Cris
