Monday, October 26, 2009


So these xylophones are part of the funeral process one is a male and the other is a female and the songs they play all have different meanings so you have to be a talented player to play. A note on the funerals is that they last a total of three days the first normally being Friday going on all night to Saturday where also people stay up all night until Sunday when the body is buried. The activities include viewing the body crying a lot but also dancing and drinking plus eating the whole town gets involved and so it really is quite a site I haven't stayed up all three nights but normally visit during one of the days. It also depends on the person who has died if it a older person then people accept that they lived a good life I mean they are sad but not as sad as when it is a young person it is then that everyone really gets emotional because this person should still be alive. So this is the lowdown on Ghanaian funerals and depending where you are in the country you will have differences in the practice.

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